Monday 11 April 2011

Bulls are back on track

As the regular season in the NBA is coming to a close the top 8 teams from the both the east and west will have a chance to compete for the NBA championship. I find this interesting because the 16 teams taking part in the playoff run prepare differently. Some teams work on plays, while others study their matchup. But the Chicago Bulls is the most spoken of team. Not only did they surprise the leauge by becoming the frist place in the east but their team captain Derrick Rose is a contender for the MVP award, the first Chicago bull to win the award since Micheal Jordon. Although the bulls are have some success they are struggling into teh post season. In the regular season the Bulls have always sturggled against the good teams in the NBA like Boston and Orlando. Going in the post season Chicago will be going up against the Indiana Pacers and this may be the season where the NBA title will come back to Chicago.

Friday 1 April 2011

Help Arrives in Boston

 In 2007 one of the nba's best franchise the Boston Celtics had a hard season going on a 18 losing streak the longest losing streak in franchise history. At this time Paul Pirece just came back from the hospital from a brutal attack in a bar. After ending up last place in the eastern confrence the celtics found themselves at home watching all the other team play for a championship. During the off season Doc Rivers the head coach of the celtics had lots of work to do to put up the franchise where it used to be and with the 5th pick in the nba draft hopes of grabing a good rookie was low. In a risky move the celtics traded players with two other teams for two players. First from the Minnesota Timber Wolves the celtics traded 5 players for 10 time NBA All Star Kevin Garnett. And To Seattle the Celtics traded two players and their 5th draft pick for the 3 point sniper Ray Allen. Paul Pierce was looking for help and he got it. In the 2008 season boston came from last place in the east to World Champions by deafeating the Los Angeles Lakers in 6 games.