Wednesday 23 March 2011

The First Emperor Of China and his Army

China was once was just made up of warring states between 246-221 BC.By 221 BC Qin Shi Huang unified China and became its first emperor. Qin Shi Huang was responsible for the first version of the great wall of china the famous city sized mausoleum and the life sized terracotta army. Qin Shi Huang was born in the state of Qin. His father died when he was very young and put on the throne of Qin at the age of 13. He led the armies of qin to conquer of every other state that stood in his way. Qin Shi Huang had great success in war because of his revolutionary bronze weapons: Longer pikes to dismount hoursemen Stronger and longer swords than all the armies had for ground combat. After the unification of china he started planing his burial his retainers gave his terracotta satue that was said to guard you in the after life. He then ordered the constrution of a life size army of terracotta warriors and also commanded the consturtion of the great wall of china to keep his land safe. When he died he was buried in the center of a City sized mausoleum. It is said that the mausoleum depiced his conquest of china with following liquid mercury was water. I found this all interesting bcause I like to learn about history. This story showed me how we humans did things without technology.

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