Tuesday 22 February 2011


I came across Dynasty Warriors 6 about a year ago when I was looking for a new game to play on my Xbox 360. Dynasty Warriors 6 is a video game based off the "Romances Of The Three Kingdoms" Series  by Luo Guanzhong. These novels were part myth part legend part fact. The novels showcased the life of rulers and retainers which wanted to restore or replace the dying Han Dynasty. I found that this game was very interesting because I like to learn about ancient history and to play with historic figures. Throughout the series almost hundreds of people were mentioned in depth but the main focus was on the three kingdoms of Shu Wu and Wei. The puts you in full control of any of the many characters mentioned in the novels and relive their story. Also you can make your own officer and fight beside the great figures of this timeline. But I found out that it related to society as well. While playing the game I got the sense of people's beliefs and what drives them to do certain things. For example one of the main characters Lu Bu lives to fight. He strides on fighting. But when playing his story it shows that he is really fighting for his love. It also shows the different styles of ruling as a leader. The three different factions had different types of attitudes. Shu fought for the people, Wei wanted to dominate all of china, and Wu didn't want any part of it but defended their territory if needed  by seeing this is showed me that this is one of the main reasons of war. The Disagreements made by leaders.

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