Wednesday 18 May 2011

Its a small world after all

Aj Mandani is a good friend of mine. He is the son of my coach and played in NCAA for basketball in divsion 2 of missouri state. He came back to canada durning the christmas brake and while spending time with his mother he came to our practice and showed us some collage level plays and drills. After out failure of a season we as a team were told that he would be our coach next year but we could not make a team. While sitting on the sidelines with some of my teammates we watch the success of his team. Eventually he was asked to play professional in the Phillippines. Aj Mandani Started his basketball career as a player for the Northstars. Aj and his brother lead the Northstars and won the teams first PHYBA championship. After his brother went up a division Aj had to lead the Northstar all alone. But in the end he could not lead them past the first round of the playoffs. On the offseason he worked on playing the game differently as a team player. The reason his team lost last year was because he was a one man show. The following year he lead the Northstars to their 2nd championship. He stopped playing for a while and went off to collage and played in the NCAA but no luck in getting a championship during his 4 year career. After graduating he took over his mother's postion as head coach of the Jaguars. While under his wing the jaguars went undeafted and held the leauge best record in PHYBA 6-0. That success was short lived as he was signed to play for the profressional filipino basketball leauge. This interests me because I have seen him play and it makes me wonder why now. He should have been signed atleast after his 2nd year in collage. But it goes to show if you work hard you never know where you will end up.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Upsets in the NBA

The playoffs in the NBA have been very shocking. The 8th seeded memphis grizzles come out of no where without their star player Rudy Gay and take out the first seeded Sanintonio Spurs which had the second best record in the NBA and take them out in game 6. Memphis took the Spurs out with no problem it seemed and took the young run and gun team of the Oaklahoma City Thunder to game 7. What a playoff run for a 8th seeded team that was said to lose in the first round in 4 games.What about the 2 time defending world champions the Los Angeles Lakers getting swept 4 games to 0 to the dallas mavricks a series that was said to be the best of them all. And the Chicago bulls becoming the 1st seed in all of the NBA and take out game 1 over miami. This interests me because the playoffs in the NBA most of the times were one sided. It was either the Lakers were going to win or the Celtics going to win but with both teams out it now rises a new question who will be the new NBA champion? Many predict that the Miami Heat because of its offense and defense. But miami is down a game to chicago. But people are to consentrated on the eastern side of the NBA how about the verterns in Dallas Jason Kidd and Dirk Noviski. Good players indeed but going up against a team that can out run them dallas' championship hope may be at risk when playing the Thunder. My personally prediction is the Chicago Bulls. It would be nice to see them on top after 13 years. But what is forsure there will be a new NBA Champion this year.

Old and expireanced vs young and explosive

This years NBA playoffs has be wild the 8th seeded grizzles in the western cofrence took out the 1st seeded spurs in the first round of the playoffs.The chicago bulls from being the 8th seed in the east last year to having the best NBA record this year was a large jump. And the new big 3 in south beach taking on the old big 3 of boston. This second round match up was suppose to be for the eastern confrence finals. But the fans rather have it soon than later. The Boston Celtics the team in the NBA to hold the most titles (17 NBA Championships) and 3rd seed of the eastern confrence were about to take on the 2nd seeded Miami heat and thier big 3 made up of Chris Bosh, Dwanye Wade, and Lebron James. This new miami team that was put together in the summer came into this season saying that they arent here to win just one championship they came together to win multiple championships.But to do so they have to face the team that took them out last season. Both sides fought hard but in the end Miami took the series 4-1 and seding the celtics back home early. The big question now is can the miami heat take on a chicago bulls team that swept the regular season series 3-0 and just last sunday took another loss to the same team by a big margin. This interests me because of all the hype people gave to miami and boston the forgot about another team that is considered a championship contender since the Michael Jordon days. Going into game 2 on wednsday you have to wonder if Miami big 3 can stop the high flying point guard of chicago and this year MVP Derrick Rose. I personally want to see how this come back for chicago will turn out against one of the strongest team in the NBA.


As me and my friends walked into the movie theaters we did not know what to watch. We all just said lets go watch the movie Thor. The movie is about thor the god of thunder and might warrior of asgard. The attacks the nemesis of his people the frost giants. This attack was unautherized by his father Odin.Therefore Odin banished thor and took his powers away and sent Thor and his hammer to earth. During thors time on earth he had to learn that to be a king he must know how to care about others and not to put them at risk because of his actions. When he learned this his hammer came back to him and gave his powers again to save a little town by machine sent from asgard by his brother. I found this movie interesting because in the movie he mentions that all dementions are linked by a world tree like branches. He also mentions that we as in humans what we called magic and scince they are the same in thors world. Both these points caught my attention thinking about the possiblities of us being able to control the elements of earth. I also made me see that there might be other life somewhere out there. I never believed it but forms of live may have different way of living. The movie shows lessons of jealousy and decsion making made from both Thor and his brother Loki and some of these conflicts can be related to in real life.

Monday 11 April 2011

Bulls are back on track

As the regular season in the NBA is coming to a close the top 8 teams from the both the east and west will have a chance to compete for the NBA championship. I find this interesting because the 16 teams taking part in the playoff run prepare differently. Some teams work on plays, while others study their matchup. But the Chicago Bulls is the most spoken of team. Not only did they surprise the leauge by becoming the frist place in the east but their team captain Derrick Rose is a contender for the MVP award, the first Chicago bull to win the award since Micheal Jordon. Although the bulls are have some success they are struggling into teh post season. In the regular season the Bulls have always sturggled against the good teams in the NBA like Boston and Orlando. Going in the post season Chicago will be going up against the Indiana Pacers and this may be the season where the NBA title will come back to Chicago.

Friday 1 April 2011

Help Arrives in Boston

 In 2007 one of the nba's best franchise the Boston Celtics had a hard season going on a 18 losing streak the longest losing streak in franchise history. At this time Paul Pirece just came back from the hospital from a brutal attack in a bar. After ending up last place in the eastern confrence the celtics found themselves at home watching all the other team play for a championship. During the off season Doc Rivers the head coach of the celtics had lots of work to do to put up the franchise where it used to be and with the 5th pick in the nba draft hopes of grabing a good rookie was low. In a risky move the celtics traded players with two other teams for two players. First from the Minnesota Timber Wolves the celtics traded 5 players for 10 time NBA All Star Kevin Garnett. And To Seattle the Celtics traded two players and their 5th draft pick for the 3 point sniper Ray Allen. Paul Pierce was looking for help and he got it. In the 2008 season boston came from last place in the east to World Champions by deafeating the Los Angeles Lakers in 6 games. 

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Warriors of the Past

On April 9th 2009 on Spike TV aired "Deadliest Warrior". In the show they put up two warriors that never faced off in a simulation. They test their weapons on belistics gel and dead animals to get the closest replication of damage done on the human body. Along with the demonstrations of the weapons we get a brief explaination of their history. After all the tests they put all the data on a computer and run 1000 fights so the fights arent won by a lucky blow. This show relates to real world because it brings back warriors that are long gone and shows how we as humans evolved through our weapons. I found this show interesting because I like to learn about history but I never thought of putting a spartan against a ninja and see who would win.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

The First Emperor Of China and his Army

China was once was just made up of warring states between 246-221 BC.By 221 BC Qin Shi Huang unified China and became its first emperor. Qin Shi Huang was responsible for the first version of the great wall of china the famous city sized mausoleum and the life sized terracotta army. Qin Shi Huang was born in the state of Qin. His father died when he was very young and put on the throne of Qin at the age of 13. He led the armies of qin to conquer of every other state that stood in his way. Qin Shi Huang had great success in war because of his revolutionary bronze weapons: Longer pikes to dismount hoursemen Stronger and longer swords than all the armies had for ground combat. After the unification of china he started planing his burial his retainers gave his terracotta satue that was said to guard you in the after life. He then ordered the constrution of a life size army of terracotta warriors and also commanded the consturtion of the great wall of china to keep his land safe. When he died he was buried in the center of a City sized mausoleum. It is said that the mausoleum depiced his conquest of china with following liquid mercury was water. I found this all interesting bcause I like to learn about history. This story showed me how we humans did things without technology.

Friday 25 February 2011

All Hail The New Three-Point King

I was watching NBA basketball. The Boston Celtics are my favourtie team in the NBA and I keep up with them.The Boston Celtics were about to take on the Los Angelas Lakers in the TD Garden. Ray Allen the shooting guard of the Celtics was right behind Reggie Miller and his 3-point record of 2,560 made. Late in the first quater Ray Allen Hit the 3-point shot that put him in the NBA hall of fame surpassing Reggie Miller's record and made 2,562 shots. This ralates to me and my life and how I stride to get my own jump shots perfected. Although it doesn't make a big impact to the real world that moment did for me.

Ray Allen Breaks Reggie Miller's 3-point Record In The TD Garden

Corruption Of Government

Last weekend it was movie day. This time it was my moms turn to pick the movies we are going to watch. She picked the Star Wars Saga. I found star wars interesting because of its unquie effects and story.The Star Wars Saga made by George Lucas. In the first three movies it follows the young Luke Skywalker and his journey to become a Jedi and bring down the Empire. In the other three movies we follow Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Luke's father. It shows his story from being a slave to become the dark lord we all know. When watching all the film you learn that the whole story is not about Luke but about Anakin. Throughout the saga it also shows the corruption of government. Star Wars showcase the fall of a powerful democracy to become a even stronger dictatorship and back to a democracy. This can relate back to countries being ruled by dictators or corrupted government. In some countries there are freedom fighters fighting for a better country against a powerful government.  This message in star wars is never seen because of its unquie characters but if you look hard enough Star Wars is about a group of freedom fighters taking the fight to a corrupted and powerful government

Home Memories

After talking with my cousins in the philippines I started to listen to music. Then I ran into a song about the philippines "Mama Filipina" by the Black Eyed Peas member Apl de ap.When listening to this song I suddenly found interest because when listening to this song triggered memories from my trip to the Philippines. In the song he talks about the good and bad parts of the Philippines. After listening to this song and remembering the time I spent in the Philippines it opened my eyes to what our people had to go through. Although on first impressions I thought the Philippines was a hell. And for the first week I was there it was. But when I looked around when my relatives were working in the fields. It woke me up to a reality not everyone has a life like my own. But I find the song has a real big meaning not just for filipinos but for other people coming from a country of poverty.

Mama Filipina-

Tuesday 22 February 2011


I came across Dynasty Warriors 6 about a year ago when I was looking for a new game to play on my Xbox 360. Dynasty Warriors 6 is a video game based off the "Romances Of The Three Kingdoms" Series  by Luo Guanzhong. These novels were part myth part legend part fact. The novels showcased the life of rulers and retainers which wanted to restore or replace the dying Han Dynasty. I found that this game was very interesting because I like to learn about ancient history and to play with historic figures. Throughout the series almost hundreds of people were mentioned in depth but the main focus was on the three kingdoms of Shu Wu and Wei. The puts you in full control of any of the many characters mentioned in the novels and relive their story. Also you can make your own officer and fight beside the great figures of this timeline. But I found out that it related to society as well. While playing the game I got the sense of people's beliefs and what drives them to do certain things. For example one of the main characters Lu Bu lives to fight. He strides on fighting. But when playing his story it shows that he is really fighting for his love. It also shows the different styles of ruling as a leader. The three different factions had different types of attitudes. Shu fought for the people, Wei wanted to dominate all of china, and Wu didn't want any part of it but defended their territory if needed  by seeing this is showed me that this is one of the main reasons of war. The Disagreements made by leaders.